Our Story
Wild Green Future was founded by the scientists, environmental educators, natural resource professionals, and veterinarians behind the humor group Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends. As the group’s social media channels grew from a niche group of friends to a global community of about 750,000 people, we realized we could channel the energy of nature enthusiasts into conservation.
Our Approach
We focus on projects with at least one of two goals: to conserve and sustain the biodiversity of life on Earth, and to affirm the rights of its people to a healthy environment by supporting their efforts to increase the ecological security of their communities. Environmental problems are ultimately economic problems, and the goals of environmental sustainability and human wellbeing are inseparably linked. We are interested in projects which focus on either of these causes, and are especially interested in those which directly benefit both.
Our Projects
Wild Green Future has provided grants to organizations working to conserve tortoise habitat in Florida, to boost Brazil nut productivity for the benefit of both human and natural communities in the Peruvian Amazon, and to protect endangered grasslands in Idaho. We've hosted a community science project helping to map emerging roads on the island of Borneo for conservation, and provided microgrants for backyard conservation projects across the United States.